snapshots are not updating from storage side

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Ashraf Shahin
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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2020 6:16 am

snapshots are not updating from storage side

Post by Ashraf Shahin »

Hi Friends,

I have 3PAR 8400 and I created snapshot RW on base volume RW and after a few month i notice the snapshot size is huge and it want to update the snapshot using update :

Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type CopyOf BsId Rd -Detailed_State- Snp Usr VSize
DB_CBIO_FRA_V02 tpvv No No base --- 59794 RW normal 31858944 1606400 2097152 31858944 31678720
cbiosnapDB_CBIO_FRA_V02 snp NA NA vcopy DB_CBIO_FRA_V02 59794 RW normal -- -- 2097152 -- --

run the updatevv :
updatevv -f cbiosnapDB_CBIO_FRA_V01

after that i checked showvv -d and the snap updated :
Id Name Rd Mstr Prnt Roch Rwch PPrnt SPrnt PBlkRemain -------------VV_WWN------------- #creationtime ionTime-- ---- Udid
59851 cbiosnapDB_CBIO_FRA_V02 RW 2/1/2000 59794 --- --- --- -- -- 60002AC0000000000000E9CB0001AAEF 10/7/2020 1:16:43 3 59851

my problem the snapshot size is still Huge :
Id Name Prov Compr Dedup Type Rsvd Used Used Wrn Lim Rsvd Used Used Wrn Lim Rsvd Used HostWr VSize Compact Compress
59794 DB_CBIO_FRA_V02 tpvv No No base 31875328 31868289 1519.6 0 0 1606400 1590104 75.8 0 0 33481728 33458393 1590104 2097152 1
59851 cbiosnapDB_CBIO_FRA_V02 snp NA NA vcopy -- *0 *0.0 0 0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2097152 --

so please your advice if i missing something.
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