MammaGutt wrote:First of all, keeping a consistent username and password across multiple domains would probably be a hazzle for you and anyone else requiring to log on to the 3PARs. I'm guessing you're falling back on 3paradm (or similar type of local account for all 3PARs) leaving no trace of who's actually done changes (unless you are the only one).
Why would you assume it's a hazzle? You still do user management manually? (see, I can also assume stuff)
I have almost everything automated with ansible & python frameworks, among others to keep the users in sync across all 3PARs. Every service (api, SSH users & keys, ...), purpose & operation level has its own user entry with specific restrictions.
And no, I keep 3paradm tucked away for HPE Support people (which btw, was a hazzle to explain why I chose to alter its default password to something more secure, as per the directive that we need to abide to)
MammaGutt wrote: I'm taking a stab in the dark that your management station has a hosts file from hell.....
Nope, why would it? With the right set of DNS servers and search domains you don't need it. That's what they are for.
MammaGutt wrote:.... I could go on,
Please don't. You don't know our environment (how can you, I only gave some brief highlights) and make assumptions that make me question the way you manage yours. But I won't, how can I, you only gave some brief highlights
For the sake of the (needless) discussion, let's just assume we have plenty of people who know plenty about their own knowledge domain to set things up properly and secure and that it all fits together well, given the (physical & logical) restrictions and guidelines sometimes enforced by other directives.
Is there room for improvement? No doubt, in every environment there is, but it is what it is and we have to make the best of it.
MammaGutt wrote:you don't need a huge amount of DNS servers configured for your SSMC appliance.
I don't, all I need are 3 DNS servers and 3 additional search domains, which isn't that extraordinary to ask for in bigger environments. (again: yay for automation frameworks ...)
It's not possible in its current form, given for instance limiting it's argument parsing to just one value per option.
Unfortunately they don't have an upstream public repo, otherwise those SSMC devs would already have a pull request to fix that shortcoming
Don't get me wrong, I wholeheartedly agree that black boxing a product or service for the convenience of both the user and their own support organization is a very good choice.
(admittedly, I would've preferred it if they went directly for containers instead of hyper-v/vmware templates, but hey, beggars can't be choosers)
My point (which got lost in my rant?) is that they assume (there it is again
) the simplicity of every environment it will run in.
So I would've liked to see either the option to still use the SSMC installer as they used for all the previous versions, or extend some features here and there with the management scripts they provide in this build, to offer some more (simple) controls.
It's not that much to ask for, no?