Physical Copy/Snapclone takes forever

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Physical Copy/Snapclone takes forever

Post by Tsukasa »

Scenario: 2 Servers, Prod and Test.
There is a volume on prod that we need to duplicate an mount on the test box daily.

From my understanding this is now considered a physical copy compared to what use to be snapclone.

We need a fully functioning copy that has read/write access to the test box.

Currently it seems that below is the only way to do it but it takes 4+ hours for 400gb on an all flash array. Something seems wrong here. Is there a better way to do this or has HP really dropped the game on this.

removevvset -f (remove the current lun from the test box)
createvvcop -p (copy the prod lun)
createvvset -add (add back to test box set)
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Richard Siemers
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Re: Physical Copy/Snapclone takes forever

Post by Richard Siemers »

It sounds like you are doing a full lun copy instead of a snapshot, when you should be doing a snapshot. For a daily refresh, snapshots or in 3PAR terms VirtualCopy is the best answer, more specifically the updatevv command can save you some complexity.
Richard Siemers
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